Welcome to the ACTIV-6 Study

Welcome to the ACTIV‑6 study

Working together to help people with COVID-19 feel better faster.

For more information or to report a concern, call 833-385-1880 or complete this form.

ACTIV-6 has closed enrollment — participants are completing study activities and we will continue to analyze and share results.
Thank you to all who participated and supported the study!

Woman sick at home drinking from a mug.

Welcome to ACTIV‑6!

Thank you for your interest in ACTIV-6. We are truly grateful to clinical trial participants and researchers who have helped advance science and our understanding of treatments for COVID-19. The study has concluded enrollment, but you can view and share results and historical information about the study.

Why This Study Is Important

Vaccines for COVID-19 are available, but access and uptake have been limited in some areas of the country. Additionally, more transmissible variants of the virus have emerged in the U.S. People are still getting sick with COVID-19, and many remain at risk for the disease.

Results from ACTIV-6 will help researchers understand how existing medications can improve symptoms and limit hospitalizations for people with mild-to-moderate COVID-19.


ACTIV-6 Was Supported by Study Sites Across the Country

ACTIV-6 was a nationwide, double-blind study that enrolled more than 10,500 participants. ACTIV-6 participants represent all 50 states and the District of Columbia.